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Data privacy
Vincenzo Iannone, New Smile Lab Ltd
The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) gives every business a set of obligations and every customer rights regarding use of their personal information. Under UK GDPR, information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual is considered personal data.
Your personal data
We will need to process some of your personal data for the purposes of conducting normal business transactions with you. This may include your name, address, tel no and email. We will only process personal data that is necessary to fulfil contractual arrangements or legal requirements.
Patient data
When we process the personal data of a dentist's patients, we act as a data-processor for the dentist. We follow GDPR compliant practices when processing such data. We will only respond to data requests made directly by the dentist. The patient must contact the dentist, who is the data-controller of their data to exercise their personal data rights.
Marketing and sharing data
We will not use any personal data for marketing purposes without consent and we will not sell or unnecessarily share this data with third parties. However we may need to share personal data with a third party if it is necessary to fulfil our contractual agreement and for invoicing, payment or legal reasons.
Data security
We ensure that we securely store and manage any data that we process. We store data on Apple devices with appropriate data security measures in place. We use Gmail (which meets the security requirements of GDPR) to process email.
Invoicing and payment
We will manage invoice and payment data responsibly and securely. We may need to keep invoice and payment information beyond the end of a contractual arrangement for legal and accounting obligations.
Your personal data rights
You have various rights under GDPR. For more information visit:
Please email Vincenzo Iannone for any data enquiries.